15 November 2008

Halloween 100

Going back a couple weeks to Sat Nov 1st I had trained and prepared well...exercise, nutrition, clothing, etc. The week preceeding had been very chilly so I was expecting a cold ride that morning at 9:00am. Habitat for Humanity in Durham, NC has several charity cycling rides each year. This ride consisted of about 530 riders that would travel 100, 62 or 31 miles...for me it was the latter (maybe I'll shoot for the 62 and 100 later).

On with the story...the night before, I got all my stuff together so at 7:00am Saturday morning I could pick up and be gone. I got to the DBAP (Durham Bulls Athletic Park) in plenty of time to get ready. Got registered and headed back to my vehicle. Put all my gear on, pinned my number to the back of my sweatshirt and reached for the last, most important piece of gear...my helmet. Then I panicked...I had forgotten my helmet! Yeap, left it laying right on my bed. I thought how am I going to get my freaking helmet? The DBAP is 30 miles from Cary. Luckily my great uncle brought my helmet to me and off I went on my 31 mile ride...I was 15 minutes behind the pack, but I was off!


Lindsey Broere said...

YAY...welcome to the blog world...I'm glad you are here! Sounds like you had a very nice ride :-)

Natasha said...

I'm so glad you are blogging. I can keep up with all your "happenings"...I have missed those catch up talks walking down the halls of East Davidson. :) Now...I can catch up online.

So...you have entered the bike riding arena...that is awesome!! I am proud of you!! I wish you lived closer...you could join me in spin class. Yeah...I know it's not quite like the actual bike, but it's a great way to train your heart rate. Keep the biking updates coming...I'm looking forward to them...