20 November 2008


Over the past several weeks since President-elect Obama was elected his transition from US Senator and Presidential candidate to the White House has appeared to take a drastic turn from the premise of his entire campaign..."Change". He campaigned so strongly on "Change" and how things would be different in Washington and in the White House...even how we would like to have the most diverse, non-partisan cabinet ever. Well, we now know the latter is most definitely not true...never was true even when the words came out of his mouth! Evidence below...these are only a few appoints our President-elect has made or will soon make.
  • Napolitano, strong Democratic Senator for Secretary of Homeland Security,
  • Top Obama adviser Washington lawyer Eric Holder as Attorney General,
  • Former Senate Majority Leader Daschle as DHHS Secretary,
  • Sen. Hillary Clinton likely to be Secretary of State,
  • Chicago businesswoman Pritzker, Obama's campaign finance chair, probable Sec. of Commerce and the other leading candidate, Laura D'Andrea Tyson, former chair of Council on Economic Advisers under President Clinton,
  • a lawyer that was on President Clinton's team during his impeachment,
  • even his transition chief was a top aide under President Clinton and
  • the most staunch non-partisan of them all, Rahm Emanuel, top Clinton aide 8 years ago; who by the way is also from Chicago.
Hmmm...do you see the same pattern I do? Democrats and President Clinton...that's change alright...right back to where we were 8 years ago! Here are some comments from what is most of the time a liberal Associated Press..."Obama appears to be assembling a team that includes a mix of longtime aides, Washington insiders"...."significant departure from the soft-spoken, low-key aides that "No-Drama Obama" surrounded himself with during his campaign".

However, he will be our President and I hope he proves me wrong and turns this country around, but this is not "Change" as he so promised. Just another politician saying what he wants people to hear in order to get elected.


Natasha said...

Say it like it is!!! :) I love it!!

I, too, pray that he turns this country around, but if he don't, I can proudly say that it is not because of my vote or your vote that he was elected.

Lindsey Broere said...

Um yeah...check his probable Commerce Secretary on Washington Times...flippin scary stuff. I'll send you the link if I can find it.

Where's a good Ronald Reagan when we need him...awh the good old days...HA! Probably because I was 8, but still.